Pecopteris arborescens, Nassfeld - Fritz Messner
Scorpaena prior – Drachenkopffisch, St. Margarethen (Burgenland), Miozän, Badenium
3 / 9 Zygopleura variabilis - Schnecken, Streitmandeltal, Tennengebirge (Salzburg), Trias, Rhaetium
4 / 9 Neusticosaurus, Trias, Gailtaler Alpen - Charly Weiss
Lithophaga - verfüllte Bohrlöcher von Bohrmuscheln – Mannersdorf (NÖ), Miozän, Badenium
6 / 9 Concavus concavus – Seepockenkolonie, Eggenburg (NÖ), Miozän, Eggenburgium
Pectiniden in Corallinaceenkalk - St. Margarethen (Burgenland), Miozän, Badenium
Retiophyllia polycladus – Koralle, Zlambach (OÖ), Trias, Rhaetium
9 / 9 Metopaster muelleri – Kissenseestern, St. Margarethen (Burgenland), Miozän, Badenium

Austrian Journal of Earth Sciences

AUSTRIAN JOURNAL OF EARTH SCIENCES (AJES) is the official and open access journal of the Austrian Geological (ÖGG), Mineralogical (ÖMG), Palaeontological (ÖPG) and Hydrogeological (ÖVH) Societies, hosted by a country that is famous for its spectacular mountains, sedimentary basins and classical fossil sites that were and are the birthplace for many geoscientific concepts in modern earth science.


AUSTRIAN JOURNAL OF EARTH SCIENCE focuses on all aspects relevant to the geosciences of the Alps, Bohemian Massif and surrounding sedimentary basins. As such, we invite contributions from the fields of mineralogy, geology, geophysics, petrology or hydrogeology, as well as all aspects of palaeontology, palaeobiogeography and biostratigraphy that are of relevance to the greater Alpine region. Contributions on other regions are welcome if they embed their findings into a conceptual framework that relates the contribution to Alpine-type orogens and Alpine regions in general and are thus relevant to an international audience. Contributions are subject to peer review and editorial control according to SCI guidelines to ensure that the required standard of scientific excellence is maintained.

Find all articles since 2018

For manuscript submission see the GUIDELINES or visit the homepage of the journal:

Editor in Chief: Kurt Stüwe
(editorial assistant Sarah Schaffer)

Associate Editors: Gerald Auer, Sylke Hilberg, Bastian Joachim-Mrosko, Walter Kurz, Hugo Ortner & Michael Wagreich

Editorial Board (Term 2024-2027):
Bokelmann Goetz (Wien)
Černok Ana (Triest)
Dojen Claudia (Klagenfurt)
Friedrich Anke (München) 
Mavromatis Vasileios (Bern)
Meyer Michael (Innsbruck)
Misch David (Leoben)
Patten Clifford (Innsbruck)
Piller Werner (Graz)
Plan Lukas (Wien)
Pomella Hannah (Innsbruck)
Robl Jörg (Salzburg)
Ruszkiczay-Rüdiger Zsófia (Budapest)
Schuster Ralf (Wien)
Skrzypek Etienne (Graz)
von Hagke Christoph (Salzburg)
Wagner Thomas (Graz)
Weinmann Anna (Wien)

Klick to follow link for submission

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